Monday, December 1, 2008

The Takedown Newsletter * 12.01.08

W e s l a c o H i g h S c h o o l
Panther Wrestling Newsletter 12.01.08

Volume 01- Issue 03

  • Correction: In Issue 02, under the heading Editorial, I wrote that, “It was noted (at a September 16th meeting) that the equipment list had been submitted to WISD/WHS Administration in February of 2008.” WHS Principal Isidoro Nieto informed me that WHS Administration does not order athletic equipment; that it is the responsibility of the Athletic Department to order the equipment, provided that the coach of said sport submits an equipment list. I apologize for the error.

  • Parent/Booster Meeting CANCELLED: Our first meeting of the wrestling year was to be held tonight, December 1, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. At this point in time, we still do not have permission from the WHS Athletic Department nor the WISD Athletic Director (to whom the WHS Athletic Department referred the request) to hold our meeting in the WHS Field House Film Room. Being that I will be in meetings all morning on Monday, I feel that even if permission is granted, it will be too late to notify the forty-five families on our contact list. At this point our meeting is cancelled. However, I will be handing out the agendas to the wrestlers after practice so that you may review the information on the various topics listed. There are items that we need a quick turnaround on, so please ask your student/wrestler for the agenda packet.

  • Wrestling Duals and Tournament This Week!
    Monday December 1st Practice 4:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. (Weigh-ins) Tuesday December 2nd Practice 4:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. Wednesday December 3rd Practice 4:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. Thursday December 4th San Benito Dual Meet 7:00 p.m. @ San Benito High School Friday December 5th Practice 4:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. (Wrestle-offs) Saturday December 6th San Benito Team Duals Tournament @ SBHS

  • BREAKING NEWS… It appears that the San Benito Team Duals Tournament format has been changed to an Individual format. This means that the tournament will likely start Friday afternoon and continue on Saturday morning. Check with your student/wrestler for updates.

  • Wrestlers Multi-tasking UIL Competitions/Events: There are several wrestlers this year that are competing in multiple sports and/or are band members. Parents, please make sure that you and your student wrestler keep an open line of communication between Coach Pederson and Coach Vela, as well as Mr. Aldape (Band), Mr. Cardenas (Mariachi), and coaches of sports that overlap with the wrestling season; well in advance of our dual meets and tournaments so that arrangements can be made to accommodate the team, the student, and the parents.

  • Birthday Wishes: Tomas Gonzalez, sophomore, 1st year wrestler, celebrates his birthday, Sunday, December 7th. Enjoy!

  • Third Six Weeks Academic Progress Reports: Grades are to be submitted by 8:00 a.m., Monday, December 1st for the third six weeks progress reports. Students should have them in hand by Thursday. If you are signed-up for the WISD Parent Portal, you will know your child’s scores well in advance. If you are not signed-up for the Parent Portal, please contact the WHS Administration (956.969.6700) for instructions on how to do so. Remember, our goal is that all of our student wrestlers be eligible at the end of the 3rd Six Weeks period (December 18th); if not, they will miss the remainder of the wrestling season.

  • 2008-2009 Panther Wrestling T-Shirts Available: Parents/Boosters, support our team by ordering the 2008-2009 wrestling t-shirt. The cost is $10.00. The purple shirt will have a stylized “W” with a panther, in wrestling headgear, on the “W”, and the word “wrestling” underneath. Order forms are included in the agenda packet. For those attending the San Benito Tournament this coming weekend, we can get the shirts in time for the tournament if you turn in your order forms and money by Tuesday, December 2nd at 6:30 p.m. This is not a fund raiser for the booster club; the price of the t-shirt is direct from the shop.

  • Help Wanted: The Takedown Booster Club will be in need of parental help. Wrestling experience is not necessary in order to participate. We are looking for adults to help with fundraising, tournaments, etc. If you are able to help please call Hector Rene Garcia (956.793.4183).

  • Mark Your Calendar: Keep the following dates open so that we can all be there to support our Wrestling Panthers. December 12, 2008 – 4:00 p.m. – Weslaco East Tournament begins….. December 13, 2008 – 8:00 a.m. – Weslaco East Tournament continues….. December 18, 2008 – 7:00 p.m. – PSJA Memorial Wolverines @ Weslaco High School Panthers (Alumni Night – Former wrestlers to be acknowledged before the start of the meet. If you know of an alumnus and they are not on our contact list, please forward their name, address, a phone number, an email address, and wrestling accomplishments to Hector Rene Garcia – 956.793.4183 by December 15, 2008. )

  • Wrestling Websites for Athletes and Parents: There several websites for our wrestlers to watch collegiate wrestling matches or learn wrestling moves on-line and for those of you new to the wrestling world - to learn the rules, scoring methods and moves of the sport; these are a few websites for you to check out: The purpose of this website is to promote the sport of amateur wrestling by helping wrestling coaches and student athletes be more effective and efficient.

  • If you believe that success in sports is 10% physical and 90% mental you'll want to visit this website every day.

  • The Nation's leading social network for amateur wrestlers and mixed martial artists.

  • The ultimate source for real wrestling! Find international college, high school, and youth wrestling results, schedules and links.

  • Richard Rivera, WISD Superintendent; Isidoro Nieto, WHS Principal; Oscar Riojas, WISD Athletic Director; Tony Villarreal, WISD Athletic Coordinator; Mark Pederson, WHS Boys Varsity Wrestling Coach; Mary Vela, WHS Girls Varsity Wrestling Coach.

  • In the end, everything will be okay; if it's not okay, then it's not the end. Unknown

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