The Takedown Club
Weslaco High School Panther Wrestling Booster Club
AGENDA December 1, 2008 – 7:00 P.M.
01. UIL Booster Club Rules: The UIL Booster Rules cover items such as fund raising, written policies, finances, club restrictions, valuable consideration, etc. Please read the rules carefully so that we comply with all regulations and not hinder the eligibility of our team. (Ref. to Att. No. 1).
02. The Takedown Club Bylaws: Please review the proposed bylaws. There is a form for you to accept, amend, or reject the bylaws. (Att. No. 2.)
03. 2008/2009 Wrestling T-shirts: Parents/Boosters/Wrestlers, support our team by ordering the 2008-2009 wrestling t-shirt. The cost is $10.00. The purple shirt will have a stylized “W” with a panther, in wrestling headgear, on the “W”, and the word “wrestling” underneath. Order forms are included in the agenda packet. For those attending the San Benito Tournament this coming weekend, we can get the shirts in time for the tournament if you turn in your order forms and money by Tuesday, December 2nd at 6:00 p.m.. Remaining orders need to be turned-in by Monday, December 15th. This is not a fund raiser for the booster club, the price of the t-shirt is direct from the t-shirt shop. Questions? – call Vanessa Marines, Assistant Coach 956.376.8645 or Hector Rene Garcia, 956.793.4193. (Refer to Att. No. 3.)
04. 2008/2009 Individual/Team Wrestling Posters Fundraiser: This consists of an 11”x17” poster of each individual wrestler with a team photo overlay at the bottom of the poster. Two posters will be available for each family for a total of $10.00. The posters are to be marketed to local businesses, family doctor, orthodontist, favorite restaurant, etc. for $50.00 each. Being that we have 45 athletes in the wrestling program, if each poster brings in $50 this equals $4,500.00 for our wrestling team. As treasurer for another program that had this promotion, I saw many $50 checks, but there were also checks of $250, $500, and $750 for individual posters. This is a great opportunity to help our team. The student wrestler can ask for the poster back after the completion of the season. In the past the team/individual photos were taken after the completion of the wrestling season. Being that we do not want to interfere with practice and the weekends are booked with tournaments, we are looking at getting the wrestlers photographed on Friday, December 19th, the day after school is let out for the holidays. Our goal is that the posters be ready for distribution when students return in January. Refer to poster samples. (Refer to Attachment No. 4.)
05. 2008/2009 Program: We are producing a program for our wrestling team that will contain a team roster, season schedule, possibly photos of the wrestlers, wrestling rules and scoring descriptions – for our new fans, a listing of team championships, individual champions, and advertisements. The program will have a distribution of three home dual meets and a revised version for the Tomas Garces Tournament. This project is a fund raiser for our wrestling team. The programs will be a start, simple this year – more sophisticated next year; being run at my office and bound at a local print shop. The program will sell for $3.00. Sample ads and ad sign-up sheets for members to solicit ads are enclosed. (Refer To Attachment No. 5.)
06. Alumni Night – December 18, 2008 – Before Dual Meet with PSJA Memorial High School: We would like to acknowledge our alumni wrestlers, those who laid the foundation for the program that we have today, by introducing them to those in attendance at this dual meet. A homecoming of sorts. If you know of wrestlers that are off at college or have moved away but might be in town for the holidays, please call Hector Rene Garcia (956.793.4183) with their contact information.
07. Parent Night – January 5, 2009 – Before Dual Meet with Weslaco East High School: We would like to acknowledge all of our parents and their student/wrestlers before the start of this dual meet and conclude the evening with a meet and greet.
08. Contact Information – We have been able to get most everyone of our wrestling families and booster registered in the past two months. We are trying to get information to everyone as fast as possible. If you have an email address that we can forward information to please submit it to the following address: If you do not have email, please forward your mailing address and telephone number(s) to Hector Rene Garcia, 1314 Ivy Avenue, Suite A, McAllen, Texas 78501, 956.631.1945 tel., 956.631.1968 fax, 956.793.4183 cell. We will forward information by U.S. Mail to those without email.
09. Tomas Garces Team Duals Tournament: Our goal is to expand this tournament (two days, twelve teams) and make Weslaco an annual destination for wrestling teams during the holiday break. We will forward information on this proposal within the next few weeks.
10. Dual Meet/Tournament – Team Refreshments/Food: Weslaco ISD provides some money for meals when our wrestlers go out of town, but they do not cover all the meals; WISD does not cover anything for WHS meets or for the Weslaco East Tournament that we attend. We are asking that the parents of the varsity wrestlers (girls and boys) contribute $25 to help with the Gatorade, water, and granola bars that help sustain the team through the meets. As we learn more about what WISD monies cover we will inform our parents so that we can make sure everyone is taken care of at mealtime. (Please submit the money to Vanessa Marines at practice.)
11. F.Y.I. – We will be submitting a team schedule to the Weslaco ISD Board of Trustees so that they can use their UIL Pass to attend our wrestling dual meets and/or the Tomas Garces Tournament. Several of our members have stated their close relationship to an individual board member(s); please encourage them to attend.
12. Wrestling Facility: The area currently used by our wrestling teams – upstairs mezzanine behind the bleachers at the Sepulveda Gym – is not conducive to proper training. The area is long and narrow, and individual mats, approximately seven 10’x10’ are used to train the wrestlers, in lieu of a space able to accommodate two 40’x40’ mats – which equal 18 individual mats – along with wall pads and support space. That championship wrestlers and teams have come from this space says a lot about the desire and determination of the students that participate in the wrestling program. We are proposing a formal request to WISD regarding a facility that will meet the needs of the wrestling program so that the program may expand and continue to thrive. Please review the attached drawings and information and if in agreement, sign the petition list (feel free to get other signatures as well) and return them through your student/athlete to Vanessa Marines at wrestling practice by December 15th. (Attachment No. 6).
If you have any questions, feel free to call: Hector Rene Garcia, 1314 Ivy Avenue, Suite A, McAllen, Texas 78501. 956.793.4183 cell; 956.631.1945 office; 956.631.1968 fax.
Thank you! See you Thursday night at the dual meet with the San Benito Greyhounds. 7:00 p.m.
02. The Takedown Club Bylaws: Please review the proposed bylaws. There is a form for you to accept, amend, or reject the bylaws. (Att. No. 2.)
03. 2008/2009 Wrestling T-shirts: Parents/Boosters/Wrestlers, support our team by ordering the 2008-2009 wrestling t-shirt. The cost is $10.00. The purple shirt will have a stylized “W” with a panther, in wrestling headgear, on the “W”, and the word “wrestling” underneath. Order forms are included in the agenda packet. For those attending the San Benito Tournament this coming weekend, we can get the shirts in time for the tournament if you turn in your order forms and money by Tuesday, December 2nd at 6:00 p.m.. Remaining orders need to be turned-in by Monday, December 15th. This is not a fund raiser for the booster club, the price of the t-shirt is direct from the t-shirt shop. Questions? – call Vanessa Marines, Assistant Coach 956.376.8645 or Hector Rene Garcia, 956.793.4193. (Refer to Att. No. 3.)
04. 2008/2009 Individual/Team Wrestling Posters Fundraiser: This consists of an 11”x17” poster of each individual wrestler with a team photo overlay at the bottom of the poster. Two posters will be available for each family for a total of $10.00. The posters are to be marketed to local businesses, family doctor, orthodontist, favorite restaurant, etc. for $50.00 each. Being that we have 45 athletes in the wrestling program, if each poster brings in $50 this equals $4,500.00 for our wrestling team. As treasurer for another program that had this promotion, I saw many $50 checks, but there were also checks of $250, $500, and $750 for individual posters. This is a great opportunity to help our team. The student wrestler can ask for the poster back after the completion of the season. In the past the team/individual photos were taken after the completion of the wrestling season. Being that we do not want to interfere with practice and the weekends are booked with tournaments, we are looking at getting the wrestlers photographed on Friday, December 19th, the day after school is let out for the holidays. Our goal is that the posters be ready for distribution when students return in January. Refer to poster samples. (Refer to Attachment No. 4.)
05. 2008/2009 Program: We are producing a program for our wrestling team that will contain a team roster, season schedule, possibly photos of the wrestlers, wrestling rules and scoring descriptions – for our new fans, a listing of team championships, individual champions, and advertisements. The program will have a distribution of three home dual meets and a revised version for the Tomas Garces Tournament. This project is a fund raiser for our wrestling team. The programs will be a start, simple this year – more sophisticated next year; being run at my office and bound at a local print shop. The program will sell for $3.00. Sample ads and ad sign-up sheets for members to solicit ads are enclosed. (Refer To Attachment No. 5.)
06. Alumni Night – December 18, 2008 – Before Dual Meet with PSJA Memorial High School: We would like to acknowledge our alumni wrestlers, those who laid the foundation for the program that we have today, by introducing them to those in attendance at this dual meet. A homecoming of sorts. If you know of wrestlers that are off at college or have moved away but might be in town for the holidays, please call Hector Rene Garcia (956.793.4183) with their contact information.
07. Parent Night – January 5, 2009 – Before Dual Meet with Weslaco East High School: We would like to acknowledge all of our parents and their student/wrestlers before the start of this dual meet and conclude the evening with a meet and greet.
08. Contact Information – We have been able to get most everyone of our wrestling families and booster registered in the past two months. We are trying to get information to everyone as fast as possible. If you have an email address that we can forward information to please submit it to the following address: If you do not have email, please forward your mailing address and telephone number(s) to Hector Rene Garcia, 1314 Ivy Avenue, Suite A, McAllen, Texas 78501, 956.631.1945 tel., 956.631.1968 fax, 956.793.4183 cell. We will forward information by U.S. Mail to those without email.
09. Tomas Garces Team Duals Tournament: Our goal is to expand this tournament (two days, twelve teams) and make Weslaco an annual destination for wrestling teams during the holiday break. We will forward information on this proposal within the next few weeks.
10. Dual Meet/Tournament – Team Refreshments/Food: Weslaco ISD provides some money for meals when our wrestlers go out of town, but they do not cover all the meals; WISD does not cover anything for WHS meets or for the Weslaco East Tournament that we attend. We are asking that the parents of the varsity wrestlers (girls and boys) contribute $25 to help with the Gatorade, water, and granola bars that help sustain the team through the meets. As we learn more about what WISD monies cover we will inform our parents so that we can make sure everyone is taken care of at mealtime. (Please submit the money to Vanessa Marines at practice.)
11. F.Y.I. – We will be submitting a team schedule to the Weslaco ISD Board of Trustees so that they can use their UIL Pass to attend our wrestling dual meets and/or the Tomas Garces Tournament. Several of our members have stated their close relationship to an individual board member(s); please encourage them to attend.
12. Wrestling Facility: The area currently used by our wrestling teams – upstairs mezzanine behind the bleachers at the Sepulveda Gym – is not conducive to proper training. The area is long and narrow, and individual mats, approximately seven 10’x10’ are used to train the wrestlers, in lieu of a space able to accommodate two 40’x40’ mats – which equal 18 individual mats – along with wall pads and support space. That championship wrestlers and teams have come from this space says a lot about the desire and determination of the students that participate in the wrestling program. We are proposing a formal request to WISD regarding a facility that will meet the needs of the wrestling program so that the program may expand and continue to thrive. Please review the attached drawings and information and if in agreement, sign the petition list (feel free to get other signatures as well) and return them through your student/athlete to Vanessa Marines at wrestling practice by December 15th. (Attachment No. 6).
If you have any questions, feel free to call: Hector Rene Garcia, 1314 Ivy Avenue, Suite A, McAllen, Texas 78501. 956.793.4183 cell; 956.631.1945 office; 956.631.1968 fax.
Thank you! See you Thursday night at the dual meet with the San Benito Greyhounds. 7:00 p.m.
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